Daily quote

Never confuse motion with action - Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's in a bill?

Let me start by acknowledging the fact that I have been remiss in my posting. This was one of my concerns about starting a blog. I was worried that I would not have the time to do it everyday or maybe not have the desire. I will try to do better. With that said lets get to it shall we.

I have a simple question to ask the country. Is it to much to ask of our elected officials to read the bills that they are considering making law? You might ask, what are you talking about? Surely members of Congress read the bills. Well, I am here to tell you that they don't. I don't even know if they read the Cliff notes version and if they do I don't think it would be much help. Can you even imagine how much crap can be stuffed and sneaked into a bill that is over a 1,000 pages long? So, even if you have an abridged version or someone giving you the highlights of the bill there is no way of knowing all of the hidden agendas in a bill. I do not think this is something new. I am sure that many in Congress have relied on staff members to read the bills and give bullet points of the bill. My concern as of late though is that these massive bills like the Stimulus, Cap and Trade and the so called Healthcare Reform are too big to even comprehend if you do read them. It has been made obvious that these bills are not being read. The Stimulus bill was barely off the presses before the vote was held. It would be virtually impossible to read the bill in the amount of time that was given. If there is any doubt in your minds about the mindset of your elected officials just check out Congressman John Conyers. He has no idea why he should bother himself with reading bills.


Wake up America! These are the people that are making the laws. Do you want someone who does not see the point of reading the legislation that they are imposing on us running our country?

1 comment:

  1. As far Conyers and others reading the bills , isn't that what they are supposed to do as congressmen and women, isn't that what WE pay them to do ? I think it may be time for them to step aside and let someone else in , someone who wants to read the bills.
